Go big or go home they say, and hunny we aren’t going home. Unless it’s to your home, then in that case count us in! We’ll grab the snacks and the style!
Style Society is what you get when you mix three passionate best friends, a knack for dreaming big, and a whole lotta guts. We took supporting one another’s dream to the next level and decided to make one multifaceted business out of it! Now we get to hangout, play with flowers, style killer spaces, and collect vintage treasures along the way together. We'd love nothing more than to help you live out your wildest Style Society dreams. When it comes to styling your space or event, designing epic floral or hunting down vintage home décor, consider us your new best friends.
We can’t wait to work with you!

626 Armstrong Ave, STE 4
St. Paul, MN 55102
United States
Contact Information for Style Society
626 Armstrong Ave, STE 4
St. Paul, MN 55102
United States
Meet the Wedding Pro