Should You Change Your Last Name After Getting Married? This Quiz Will Help You Decide

Written by
Anni Rezac

Danielle Tate, founder of, was always hearing brides comment that they didn't know their name-change options before they made the switch to Mrs. Should you hyphenate? Or take his name? Or should he take yours? Or should you combine to make a new last name?

This gave Tate the idea for a game that would introduce the idea of name change earlier in the wedding planning process and help brides know their options. Hence the Married Name Game, an interactive online quiz that uses a patent-pending algorithm to help brides find their ideal married last name based on eight factors. The data for the algorithm was based on over 200,000 customers and the factors that influenced their decisions when it came to a name change.

Just answer 10 questions and enter a few basic facts about yourself. Then your ideal married name is then shown to you. Whether it’s his name, maiden middle, two last names, hyphenate, or no change at all the name that is distinctly you is displayed across the screen. There is also a brief explanation of what your option entails and even a second suggested choice. Then you're just one click and one wedding day away from to make your name change official.