Trending: Juliet Cap Bridal Veils


It’s true that trends tend to revolve, especially in the bridal world. Lately we’ve been seeing the resurgence of juliet, or cap veils from a bygone era. Juliet veils were first popularized in the 16th century, with costume interpretations of William Shakespeare’s ever romantic Romeo & Juliet. In more modern times they’re associated with brides of the early 20th century (think Great Gatsby). Here they are popping up again, and we’re head over heals for them (thanks Will!). Take a look at a few of our favorites...

Juliet Cap Veil

Juliet Cap Veil

Juliet Cap VeilJuliet Cap Veil

Juliet veils can be worn neatly atop a sleek updo for the more traditional, or over cascading waves for the bohemian bride. They come in variety of styles and lengths and can be delicately cinched with beading, embroidery and embellishments, or just a simple knot. The classically romantic juliet veil will most certainly add that touch of whimsy to any wedding day look.

